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Body Sculpting

Achieve Your Aesthetic Goals with Advanced Cryo Treatments

At Blue Ridge Cryo, we specialize in cutting-edge body sculpting services designed to redefine your wellness and aesthetic goals. Leveraging the advanced capabilities of the Kaasen Pro device, our treatments are crafted to sculpt your physique effectively and safely.

Whether you're looking to reduce stubborn fat, diminish cellulite, or enhance overall skin firmness, our tailored solutions are here to improve your physical appearance and boost your confidence. Discover how our innovative body sculpting techniques can transform you by exploring each of our services in detail.

A woman is getting a cosmetic treatment on her stomach.

Cryo Body Sculpting: Transform and Tone 

At Blue Ridge Cryo, we harness the power of advanced cryolipolysis technology to offer you a state-of-the-art solution for fat reduction. Cryo body sculpting is a non-surgical technique that specifically targets and freezes unwanted fat cells beneath the skin without damaging surrounding tissues. Discover how this innovative approach can help you achieve a more sculpted and toned physique with minimal downtime.

  • Understanding Cryo Body Sculpting

    Cryo body sculpting, or cryolipolysis, utilizes extreme cold to break down fat cells, which are then naturally eliminated from the body. This method focuses precisely on localized fat deposits that are resistant to diet and exercise, making it an ideal solution for body contouring.

  • The Cryo Sculpting Process

    A typical cryo body sculpting session at Blue Ridge Cryo involves a few key steps:

    1. Consultation: Each session begins with a personalized consultation to identify your goals and the areas to target.
    2. Preparation: The targeted area is prepped with a protective gel pad to shield the skin from direct exposure to extreme cold.
    3. Treatment: The Kaasen Pro device is applied to deliver controlled cooling to freeze fat cells effectively.
    4. Completion and Recovery: Post-treatment, the area is massaged to enhance the breakdown of frozen cells, with no significant recovery time needed.
  • Benefits of Cryo Body Sculpting

    • Non-Invasive: Unlike surgical methods like liposuction, cryo body sculpting requires no incisions or anesthesia.
    • Targeted Fat Reduction: Precisely targets and reduces fat in specific areas that are difficult to tone even with exercise.
    • Minimal Downtime: Most clients can resume daily activities immediately after treatment, making it a convenient option for those with busy lifestyles.
  • The Science Behind Cryolipolysis

    Recent studies validate the effectiveness of cryolipolysis. The process induces apoptosis, or cell death, specifically in fat cells while leaving neighboring cells unharmed. Over weeks to months, the body naturally processes and eliminates these dead cells, resulting in noticeable fat reduction.

Cryotoning: Cellulite Reduction and Skin Firming

Discover the transformative power of Cryotoning at Blue Ridge Cryo, a cutting-edge treatment designed to combat cellulite and enhance skin appearance. Utilizing controlled cold temperatures, this non-invasive procedure tightens and firms the skin, significantly reducing the visible signs of cellulite. Ideal for those seeking a smoother, more youthful skin texture, our Cryotoning service offers an effective solution with lasting results.

  • Understanding Cryotoning

    Cryotoning leverages the science of cryotherapy to target the skin's deeper layers, promoting increased blood flow and collagen production. By applying cold temperatures directly to problem areas, Cryotoning helps to tighten loose skin and reduce the puckered appearance caused by cellulite. This method is not only effective but also safe and gentle on your skin, making it a preferred choice for cellulite reduction.

  • The Cryotoning Procedure

    During a Cryotoning session at Blue Ridge Cryo:

    1. Preparation: The skin is cleansed and prepped to ensure optimal contact with the cryotherapy device.
    2. Treatment Application: Our skilled technicians use the Kaasen Pro device to apply controlled cooling to the targeted areas.
    3. Duration: Each session typically lasts between 20-30 minutes, depending on the treatment area.
    4. Post-Treatment: Clients may notice immediate tightening, with further improvements visible as the skin continues to regenerate collagen.
  • Benefits of Cryotoning

    • Enhanced Skin Texture: Regular treatments can lead to a smoother, more even skin texture.
    • Increased Firmness: Cryotoning stimulates collagen production, which helps firm sagging skin and reduces the appearance of cellulite.
    • Non-Invasive Approach: With no needles or surgery involved, clients enjoy a comfortable treatment experience without downtime.
  • How Cryotoning Works

    The effectiveness of Cryotoning lies in its ability to trigger thermogenesis, a natural response where the body heats up to counteract the cold. This process not only burns fat cells but also boosts circulation and encourages new collagen, essential for healthy, elastic skin.

  • Optimize Your Skin Health with Cryotoning

    To maximize results, we recommend a series of treatments along with a healthy lifestyle and proper hydration. Cryotoning can be a standalone treatment or part of a comprehensive skincare regimen tailored by our experts at Blue Ridge Cryo.

A woman is measuring her waist with a tape measure.
A woman is laying on a bed getting a massage on her back.

Vibration Plate Therapy: Maximize Your Results

Unlock the potential of Vibration Plate Therapy at Blue Ridge Cryo, a revolutionary approach to enhancing your body sculpting results. This dynamic treatment utilizes high-frequency vibrations to stimulate muscles, improve circulation, and accelerate weight loss efforts. When combined with our specialized cryotherapy services, it creates a synergistic effect that maximizes physical health benefits and aesthetic improvements.

  • Understanding Vibration Plate Therapy

    Vibration Plate Therapy involves standing, sitting, or performing exercises on a machine equipped with a vibrating platform. As the platform vibrates, it transmits energy to your body, forcing your muscles to contract and relax dozens of times per second. This activity boosts your metabolism, burns fat, and increases muscle strength, all while reducing the workload and time spent on traditional exercise methods.

  • Combining Cryotherapy with Vibration Therapy

    Integrating Vibration Plate Therapy with cryotherapy treatments can significantly enhance your body sculpting process. The vibration therapy helps in warming up the muscles before cryo sessions, making the fat cells more susceptible to elimination and aiding in faster recovery post-cryotherapy. This combination not only amplifies fat reduction but also accelerates the toning of your physique.

  • Benefits of Vibration Plate Therapy

    • Improved Muscle Tone and Strength: Regular use of the vibration plate increases muscle strength, similar to the effects of resistance training.
    • Enhanced Flexibility and Mobility: The vibrations help to increase range of motion and decrease muscle stiffness.
    • Boosted Circulation: Enhanced blood flow during vibration therapy sessions helps to deliver oxygen and nutrients more effectively throughout the body.
    • Reduced Muscle Soreness: Post-exercise recovery is faster, thanks to the soothing effects of the vibrations, which help to reduce lactic acid buildup.
  • How Vibration Plate Therapy Works

    Vibration Plate Therapy utilizes whole-body vibration to transmit rapid, varying-frequency vibrations through the body. This induces involuntary muscle contractions multiple times per second, mimicking intense exercise but in a concentrated form, which boosts metabolic rate and enhances fat burning. Additionally, these vibrations improve lymphatic flow for better detoxification and immune function, stimulate hormone production like human growth hormone (HGH) and testosterone for muscle recovery, and may increase bone density, helping prevent conditions like osteoporosis. This multifaceted approach not only improves muscle tone and flexibility but also promotes overall health and wellness.

  • Best Practices for Maximum Effectiveness

    To fully leverage the benefits of Vibration Plate Therapy, it is recommended to incorporate it into your routine either before or after cryotherapy sessions. Engaging in short, consistent sessions several times a week can lead to significant improvements in your overall physical health and body composition.


Treatment Area Included Price 6 Session (20% Off) 12 Session (25% Off) 18 Session (30% Off)
Small Cryo Sculpting (Fat Freezing) Arms, Back (one area), Bra area (Bra bulge), Breast (toning and tightening), Chin/neck, Men Pectorals, Legs - both calves (knee line to ankle) $175 $840 $1575 $2205
Large Cryo Sculpting (Fat Freezing) Back (two areas), Breast reduction, Core treatment (tummy/stomach), Oblique (both sides), Glute/buttocks, Thighs & Hips (both legs, two areas), Cellulite treatment (with slimming) $265 $1270 $2385 $3340
Whole Body Cryo Sculpting (Fat Freezing) (Face, back, core, obliques, legs, hips, arms) and extras $6500 $12,300 $17,230

Frequently Asked Questions

Navigating the options for enhancing your physique and wellness can bring up many questions. At Blue Ridge Cryo, we understand the importance of clear information when considering body sculpting services. Below are answers to some of the most frequently asked questions that will help you understand our processes and how they can benefit you.

  • What can I expect during my first cryo body sculpting session?

    During your initial visit for cryo body sculpting at Blue Ridge Cryo, you'll begin with a consultation to discuss your goals and areas of concern. This conversation helps us tailor the session to your specific needs. The actual treatment involves applying the Kaasen Pro device to the targeted area, where it uses cold temperatures to freeze and destroy fat cells. You might feel a cooling sensation, but the process is generally comfortable. The session typically lasts between 30 to 60 minutes, depending on the area being treated. There's no downtime required, so you can return to your daily activities immediately after the session.

  • How many sessions are needed to see results from cryo body sculpting?

    The number of sessions required for visible results from cryo body sculpting varies depending on the individual's body composition, the area treated, and their desired outcomes. Most clients begin to see changes as soon as three weeks after their first session, with more significant results appearing after two months as the body naturally eliminates the frozen fat cells. Optimal results typically occur after a series of 2 to 3 sessions spaced about 6 to 8 weeks apart. During your consultation, we'll create a personalized treatment plan that outlines the recommended number of sessions to achieve your goals.

  • Are there any side effects associated with cryo body sculpting?

    Cryo body sculpting at Blue Ridge Cryo is a safe and non-invasive procedure with minimal side effects. Some clients might experience temporary redness, mild bruising, tingling, or numbness in the treated area, but these symptoms typically resolve within a few hours to days. It's important to discuss your medical history during the consultation to assess any potential risks. However, the procedure is FDA-cleared, and side effects are generally minor and temporary.

  • Where is Blue Ridge Cryo located and how can I schedule an appointment?

    Blue Ridge Cryo is conveniently located at 21430 Timberlake Road, Lynchburg, VA, 24502. We are proud to serve residents in and around the Lynchburg area including Monroe, Amherst, Forest, Timberlake, Rustburg, Bedford, and Concord. To schedule an appointment or learn more about our body sculpting services, you can visit our website or contact us directly at our office. Our team is ready to assist you in booking your session and answering any further questions you may have about our services or location.

Our Services

Explore the diverse range of wellness and aesthetic services we offer at Blue Ridge Cryo. Whether you're looking to enhance your physical appearance, manage pain, or simply improve your overall well-being, our expert team utilizes cutting-edge technology to deliver tailored treatments that meet your specific health and beauty needs.

A woman is holding her stomach with her hands.

Unlock Your Aesthetic Potential: Book Now!

Whether you're looking to sculpt your body, enhance your skin with our aesthetic facials, or manage pain effectively, our expert team is ready to assist.

Explore our comprehensive care options and take the first step towards a healthier, more confident you. Contact us today and unlock your aesthetic potential at Blue Ridge Cryo!

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