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Unlocking Beauty with Cryo Technology: A New Era in Aesthetics

Step into the world of Cryo Aesthetics at Blue Ridge Cryo, where cutting-edge cold temperature technologies redefine beauty and wellness. Our cryogenic treatments harness the power of extreme cold to enhance skin health, sculpt body contours, and promote overall well-being safely and effectively. From Cryofacials to Cryolipolysis, each service is designed to deliver targeted results that meet your aesthetic goals. Experience the transformative effects of our advanced cryo techniques and discover a new level of confidence. We invite you to explore our diverse range of services and begin your journey to a more radiant you.

A woman is laying on a bed getting a facial treatment.

Cryo Aesthetic Treatments at Blue Ridge Cryo

At Blue Ridge Cryo, we offer a sophisticated range of Cryo Aesthetic Treatments designed to enhance your natural beauty through the innovative use of cold therapy. Each of our services targets specific aesthetic goals, from skin rejuvenation and cellulite reduction to fat loss and skin tightening. Explore the unique benefits of each treatment and discover how cryogenic technology can transform your appearance and boost your confidence.

  • Cryofacials: Rejuvenate Your Skin

    Cryofacials utilize cold temperatures to dramatically improve skin texture and reduce inflammation. During the treatment, cooled air or liquid nitrogen is applied to the face, causing the blood vessels to contract and then dilate, which enhances oxygen supply and promotes collagen production. This process not only revitalizes your complexion but also helps in reducing puffiness and soothing irritated skin.

  • Cryotherapy: Total Body Wellness

    Cryotherapy offers both whole-body and localized treatments that promote overall wellness and skin rejuvenation. By exposing the body to extremely cold temperatures for a short period, cryotherapy stimulates the natural healing processes, enhancing circulation and boosting collagen production, leading to healthier, more elastic skin.

  • Cryotoning: Sculpt and Tone

    Cryotoning treatments are specially designed to tone the body and reduce the appearance of cellulite. The cold temperatures target fat cells and increase blood flow, which helps in tightening the skin and smoothing out areas affected by cellulite, providing a firmer and more toned appearance.

  • Cryolipolysis: Targeted Fat Reduction

    Cryolipolysis is a non-invasive technique focused on reducing localized fat deposits. By applying cold to specific areas, it freezes and breaks down fat cells, which are then naturally eliminated by the body over time. This targeted approach allows for sculpting and contouring of the body without the need for surgical interventions.

  • Skin Tightening: Enhance Firmness

    Skin Tightening through cold therapy is an effective way to stimulate collagen production in the deeper layers of the skin. This treatment improves skin elasticity and firmness, resulting in a tighter, more youthful appearance. It's particularly beneficial for areas that lose elasticity with age, such as the face, neck, and abdomen.

  • Cellulite Smoothing: Achieve Smoother Skin

    Cellulite Smoothing utilizes cryogenic methods to reduce the visibility of cellulite. The cold treatment boosts collagen and improves circulation, smoothing the skin and diminishing the dimpled appearance often seen in thighs, buttocks, and other areas.

From Consultation to Care: Your Cryo Treatment

Understanding what to expect during your session can help ease any apprehensions and prepare you for a positive experience. From the initial consultation to post-treatment care, we ensure every step is clear and tailored to meet your specific beauty and wellness goals.

  • Step 1: Personalized Assessment

    Your cryo aesthetic treatment begins with a thorough consultation. Our skilled practitioners will discuss your aesthetic goals, review your medical history, and address any concerns. This step is crucial as it helps us customize the treatment to fit your unique needs, ensuring optimal results.

  • Step 2: Treatment Experience

    Cryo treatments vary in sensation based on the procedure, but most clients describe feeling a cooling effect that is generally well-tolerated. Treatments like cryofacials or cryotoning are quick, often lasting between 10 to 30 minutes. Cryolipolysis sessions might take longer, depending on the area being treated. Our staff will be with you throughout the session to ensure your comfort and safety.

  • Step 3: Care and Maintenance

    After your treatment, we'll provide specific guidelines tailored to the type of cryo therapy you received. Common recommendations include staying hydrated, avoiding strenuous exercise for a few hours, and applying moisturizer for treatments involving the skin. Following these guidelines is key to enhancing and prolonging the effects of your treatment.

  • Step 4: Continued Care

    Depending on the cryo aesthetic service provided, multiple sessions may be needed to achieve the best results. We will work with you to schedule follow-up appointments and adjust the treatment plan as necessary to continue meeting your aesthetic objectives.

  • Step 5: Ongoing Assistance

    Our commitment to your care doesn’t end when you leave our clinic. We are available to answer any questions you might have about your treatment and provide support throughout your aesthetic journey. 

A man is laying on a bed with a machine on his stomach.


Treatment Price 6 Sessions (20% Off) 12 Sessions (25% Off) 18 Sessions (30% Off)
Hair growth/rejuvenation, Acne (Body), Skin tightening, Stretch marks & Scars, Psoriasis, Eczema, Dermatitis $75 $360 $675 $945

Frequently Asked Questions

At Blue Ridge Cryo, we aim to provide clarity and peace of mind by addressing some of the most common inquiries our clients have about our services. Below, you'll find detailed answers to help you understand what to expect and how to prepare for your treatments with us.

  • What makes cryo aesthetic treatments different from traditional aesthetic methods?

    Cryo aesthetic treatments at Blue Ridge Cryo utilize advanced cryogenic technology to deliver targeted cold therapy. This method is non-invasive and uses extreme cold to enhance skin texture, reduce fat, and tighten skin, without the need for surgical interventions. Clients often experience fewer side effects and minimal downtime, making it an attractive alternative to more invasive procedures. Additionally, the treatments can be highly customized to address specific concerns, ensuring that each client receives the most effective care tailored to their needs.

  • How long does it typically take to see results from cryo aesthetic treatments?

    Results from cryo aesthetic treatments can vary based on the type of service and individual client factors. For instance, cryofacials often produce visible results immediately after the treatment, such as a brighter, more toned complexion. Treatments like cryolipolysis and cryotoning may require multiple sessions to achieve optimal results, with noticeable changes appearing gradually over several weeks as the body naturally processes and eliminates treated fat cells. We recommend a consultation to discuss your goals and develop a treatment plan that provides clear timelines and expectations.

  • Are there any specific care instructions I should follow after a cryo aesthetic treatment?

    Post-treatment care varies depending on the specific cryo aesthetic service provided. Generally, it is important to stay hydrated, avoid direct sunlight, and follow any skincare routines recommended by our specialists. For treatments like cryolipolysis, we may advise avoiding strenuous exercise for a day or two to allow the body to recover optimally. We provide detailed aftercare instructions tailored to each treatment type to ensure the best possible outcomes and to extend the benefits of your session.

  • Where is Blue Ridge Cryo located, and how can I schedule an appointment?

    Blue Ridge Cryo is conveniently located at 21430 Timberlake Road, Lynchburg, VA, 24502. You can schedule an appointment for any of our aesthetic services by visiting our website or calling us directly at our office. Our friendly staff is available to answer any additional questions you may have and help you book a time that fits your schedule.

Our Services

Explore the diverse range of wellness and aesthetic services we offer at Blue Ridge Cryo. Whether you're looking to enhance your physical appearance, manage pain, or simply improve your overall well-being, our expert team utilizes cutting-edge technology to deliver tailored treatments that meet your specific health and beauty needs.

A woman is smiling while touching her face.

Begin Your Transformation with our Aesthetic Services!

Ready to enhance your natural beauty and achieve your aesthetic goals? Whether you're interested in Body Sculpting, seeking rejuvenation with our specialized facials, or need effective Pain Management solutions, our expert team is here to help.

At Blue Ridge Cryo, we are dedicated to providing personalized care that addresses your specific concerns and helps you look and feel your best.

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